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IPFiltr.com - IP Leak Test


A Guide to IP Leak Tests

Have you ever wondered if your online activity is being monitored? It can be quite unsettling to think that someone might be watching your every move while you browse your favourite websites. But don't worry, I'm here to help! I have a useful tool that can help you check for something called a DNS leak. It's like a health check for your internet privacy.

So, let's talk about DNS and why it's so important, shall we? DNS is basically like the internet's phonebook, which helps translate website names (like www.coffee-lovers.com) into an IP address. This makes it super easy for you to visit all your favourite websites without having to remember IP addresses!

However, there is a catch: When your computer requests to 'translate' these addresses, it may take a less private route, allowing others to view your online activity. This can be particularly problematic if you believed you were protected by a VPN or similar privacy tool.

A Quick Checkup: The DNS Leak Test

Imagine having a tool that can quickly determine if your online activity is as private as you believe it to be. This is exactly what my DNS leak test accomplishes. It's like asking, 'Are my secret paths truly secret?' and receiving a direct response.

  • Starting the Test: Pop over to IPFiltr, and you’ll get a unique ID to kick things off.
  • What Happens Next: Behind the scenes, I’ll send out some dummy requests and see who answers back.
  • Seeing the Results: You’ll get a list of the servers that responded to those requests. If they're not from your trusted VPN or privacy service, we might have a leak on our hands.

Why Bother with This Test?

I created this tool to be very user-friendly because I think that everyone should have a private browsing experience. The tool not only checks for leaks but also provides information about the servers that appear in the test results. It's like knowing who's invited to your private online party.

This guide is designed to be a friendly introduction to online privacy and does not go deep into the technical world of DNS and IPs - that's a journey for another day.