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MailFiltr - An Invitation to the Future of Email

Screenshots of the mobile MailFiltr application

Exciting times are ahead! MailFiltr, conceived in summer 2023, is on the brink of reshaping how we use email addresses. Have you ever found yourself drowning in promotional emails, spam, and other unwarranted messages, all because you wanted to sign up for something online? It's frustrating, right?

Enter MailFiltr – a service designed to empower you by creating unique email addresses for each subscription or sign-up. This allows you to segregate, manage, and even shut off unwanted mails effortlessly. If you're like me, who frequently wanted to try out newsletters but held back fearing the invasion of unwanted emails, then MailFiltr will be your game changer.

We're currently in the "performance phase", striving to ensure our service runs as smoothly and swiftly as possible. And guess what? I need YOUR help! Dive in, test, and flag any hitches you come across. Let's work together to refine and perfect this tool.

And here's a sweet tidbit: I'll be regularly posting updates on MailFiltr's progress on my X / Twitter account. I'll aim to share as much as I can to keep you in the loop. So, make sure to stay tuned there!

Feeling the excitement? Head over to mailfiltr.com and sign up for our waitlist.

Together, let's usher in a new email era!